A report looking at Better Hearings activity over the past 12 months has been published today.
The Children’s Hearings Improvement Partnership (CHIP) has published a Better Hearings Progress Report. You can view the report here. The report has been published during Care Experienced Week.
This report sets out the progress to date on the work that has been taking place across the country to implement improvements linked to standards set out in the research report Next Steps to Better Hearings.
This report is aimed at members of the CHIP and the related organisations that seek to implement the standards – to improve the experience of children and families attending Children’s Hearings.
CHIP member Lisa Bennett from SCRA who collated the report, said: “This report is a snapshot of some of the work that has taken place across the country as we begin implementation of the Better Hearings standards. Improvement takes time to shape and agree, to enact, and longer to take effect
“We are already seeing sharing of good practice, sharing of learning and a real sense of momentum – that will continue to gather pace as we start to see the impact of the work on the children, young people and families that we are doing this for.”
Children’s Minister Maree Todd said: “All children and young people should receive the highest levels of care and protection – even more so when in contact with the Children’s Hearings System, when they are often at their most vulnerable.
“The work and progress made, as detailed in this report, lays the groundwork for further improvement and I thank all members of the CHIP for their contributions. We must build on this together with renewed vigour to ensure improvements continue, as always with the interests of children and young people at their heart.”
In addition, a version of the report aimed at children and young people has been published. The aim is to make the information more accessible for children and young people. You can view it here.
If you have any questions about either of the reports, please get in touch at CHIP-partnership@gov.scot