The Children’s Hearings Improvement Partnership has unveiled its new Vision and Values statement.
It was one of the priority activities for the CHIP to create a statement of vision and values which reflect the enduring ethos of the Children’s Hearings System.
The aim of the vision and values document was to capture a common commitment for all the CHIP partners to work together to improve the outcomes of Scotland’s most vulnerable and at risk children and young people.
The vision and values include the following key components:
- understanding of each other’s roles and responsibilities in the Hearings System.
- respect for the roles and responsibilities of others – demonstrated through constructive, positive behaviours, consistent with the ethos of the Hearings System.
- a commitment to the principle of paramount concern of ‘best interests’ of the child/young person in all elements of our contributions, actions and decision making.
The vision and values will be reviewed in the course of the next nine months to assess whether they are having the right kind of impact and what further development and refinement is required.
You can view the CHIP Vision and Values here.