Foundations for a Young People’s Board for the Children’s Hearings System have been laid.

Care and Hearings-experienced young people recently spent a day together in Glasgow looking at how a Board made up of young people could be constructed to best support and improve the wider Children’s Hearings System.

The day was facilitated by partners from the Young People’s Board Steering Group, and attended by young people from SCRA, Includem, Who Cares? Scotland, Celcis, and the Scottish Children’s Rights Officers Network.

The young people looked into the mechanics of a Board – its name, the age range and number of members required, how often to meet  and where, and potential areas for improvement and scrutiny.

Powerful visual activities enabled them to look at the Children’s Hearings System  from within, and draw on their shared experiences to forge a pathway into the future.

SCRA PR/CEO Neil Hunter said: “I’m really grateful to everyone for attending. The young people worked really hard, and were really energetic.  It’s evident there’s a wide agenda for a young people’s board and there’s a big commitment from SCRA and Children’s Hearings Scotland to make it work.

“ A Board like this is a practical example of advancing the rights of young people.”

It is envisaged that creating a Board for Scotland will put young people’s voices at the heart of the Children’s Hearings System, and will reinforce the meaning of participation, partnership working and co-operation.

Further events will take place in other parts of the country in a drive to and widen out involvement geographically and involve as many young people as possible in developing the Board.

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