CHIP Autumn briefing

CHIP Autumn briefing

The Children’s Hearings Improvement Partnership (CHIP) has published the latest edition of its quarterly briefing sheet. You can view the autumn edition here. This issue includes the highlights of a CHIP discussion on the Home Compulsory Supervision Orders...
CHIP June Minutes

CHIP June Minutes

The minutes from the CHIP meeting on 10 June 2019 are now available. You can view them here. The June meeting included an update on Better Hearings and Learning and Development. Back to latest...
CHIP Autumn briefing

Research on home CSOs

New research has been published today focusing on home Compulsory Supervision Orders (CSOs) in the Hearings System.The research, which was commissioned by the Scottish Government and carried out by the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration, asks: Do Compulsory...
First ever consultation response submitted

First ever consultation response submitted

Today we are pleased to have submitted a consultation response on behalf of Our Hearings, Our Voice Board Members on ‘Incorporating the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into domestic law in Scotland.’Our Hearings, Our Voice offers Board Members a...
New film for young people with autism

New film for young people with autism

A film has been launched today aimed at helping young people with autism attending Children’s Hearings.The short film has been produced by SCRA and it features a young person from the charity Reach for Autism.The film is available online.SCRA has been working with the...
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