Requests for projects

Requests for projects

Our Hearings, Our Voice (OHOV) has issued a briefing sheet which explains the process for partners who would like to work with the young people.OHOV is an independent board for children and young people from across Scotland between the ages of 8-18, who have...
SCRA’s Official Statistics 2018/19

SCRA’s Official Statistics 2018/19

The Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) has published their Official Statistics 2018/19 today, Thursday 25 July 2019. The full set of statistics includes: Online Statistics 2018/19 Statistical Analysis 2018/19 Online Statistics by Local Authority...
CHIP Briefing Sheet summer 2019

CHIP Briefing Sheet summer 2019

The CHIP has published its quarterly briefing sheet. It includes an update on Better Hearings. It also includes the minutes from the March meeting. You can view the summer edition here.The next one will be issued later this autumn. If you have any questions, please...
OHOV launches new logo

OHOV launches new logo

Our Hearings, Our Voice has recently launched its eye-catching logo.Young people from OHOV were excited to see the final version of their logo at their latest meeting last month.The young people had previously come up with ideas and designs for their logo and designer...
Summary Report on Responses to Discussion Document

Summary Report on Responses to Discussion Document

The Scottish Government has published a Summary Report on Responses to the Advocacy Discussion Document which was issued earlier this year. The Scottish Government had been keen to get views on: i) views on certain aspects of Children’s Hearings Advocacy and ii) on...
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