CHS Publishes Annual Report 2016/17

CHS Publishes Annual Report 2016/17

Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS) publishes its Annual Report and Accounts for the financial year 01 April 2016 to 31 March 2017. This single document contains the National Convener’s statement, CHS’ Performance Report and CHS’ Annual Accounts. For the first time,...
New research – ethnic minority communities

New research – ethnic minority communities

SCRA has produced a new research report ‘An exploration of ethnic minority communities’ understanding and awareness of child protection and the Children’s Hearings System in Scotland’ which has been published. Background Protection of children at risk of abuse and...
June CHIP meeting – minutes published

June CHIP meeting – minutes published

The minutes from the June meeting of the Children’s Hearings Improvement Partnership (CHIP) have now been published after being approved at the last meeting on 13 September. You can view the minutes here.     Back to latest...
New research report on 16 year-olds

New research report on 16 year-olds

SCRA has published a new research report today looking at 16 year olds in the Children’s Hearings System. The full report ‘Decision making on continuation of Compulsory Supervision Orders past young people’s 16th birthdays’ can be viewed here and information from the...
Search for new Panel Members

Search for new Panel Members

The annual national search for 500 new Children’s Panel volunteers has been launched. To find out more about becoming a Panel Member, or to apply click here. The campaign will run until 26 September. There are currently over 2,500 volunteer Panel Members across...
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