Multi-Agency Resource

The CHIP has created this Multi-Agency Resource to help everyone involved in the Children’s Hearings System understand more clearly the processes in the system and who does what and when. The resource is still being created and sections will be updated as new information becomes available. If you think something is missing from the resource, please get in touch.
Introduction to the System

Introduction to the System

This section contains background information on the Children’s Hearings System and information about linked processes.
The roles and responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities

This section details everyone involved in the Children’s Hearings System and their responsibilities.
Learning resources

Learning resources

This section has been created to share best practice. There are three learning packages which you can choose from.

The Children’s Hearings Improvement Partnership


Working together, sharing ideas and co-ordinating our efforts to improve services for children and young people.

© 2024 CHIP


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