Role of the Police
The role of a police officer in attendance at a Children’s Hearing is to provide panel members with any information known to them, which they believe relevant, regarding the child’s wellbeing which would support and assist members in making an informed decision on how best to support the child and their parents, guardians or carers.
SCRA police attendance protocol
This is currently being finalised by SCRA and Police Scotland aiming to be completed by the end of April. This covers when and why police may be required to attend a hearing including risk assessment processes.
Decision making in cases of children jointly reported to the Procurator Fiscal and Children’s Reporter
This document is an Agreement in relation to the cases of children jointly reported to the Procurator Fiscal and Children’s Reporter. The purpose of this agreement is to ensure appropriate support and information exchange, and consistent decision making for young people who offend that are in both the children’s and the adult systems or are transferring between them. The Agreement is also of relevance to those within a local authority who are working with children involved in offending behaviour.